Proverbs 15:13
A cheerful heart brings a smile to your face; a sad heart makes it hard to get through the day.
So while I've never been a big fan of the "heart" image, when I was thinking of a name for my blog, Proverbs 15:13 kept coming to mind. When looking back on experiencing other cultures, the symbol of the heart really is one of the few that transcends as a universal language...
These little girls were at a school in a rural village a few hours outside San Salvador, El Salvador. On my last visit there in July of 2008, one of them made me a card on construction paper cut into a heart shape, and I snapped this picture as we were driving away.
I often think of those children when I read that verse. What is it that can possibly make their hearts so cheerful? They are living in poverty, they may not know where their next meal will come from, many of them have no family to love them, and yet their cheerful little hearts are bringing smiles to their faces so often. Isn't God great? With so many things to frown for, and so many reasons for a sad heart, He keeps them cheerful, even if for a moment...
I don't know about you, but especially with the recent events in my life and that of my family, there are many days it would be much easier to allow my heart to be sad, but what's the point? Why make the day harder to pass? I think back to these girls and remember how blessed I am, no matter how bad the day may seem.
So, "CheerfulHearts" it is! My thoughts & ideas, trips & events, creative attempts, rants & raves, for better or worse, look out, here it comes!